Open the world of public business

Meet Mercell - the largest public tendering and bidding platform for European buyers and suppliers.

The coin has two sides. 

We see both.

Every public business tender has a buyer and a supplier venturing into partnership. We make the journey easy and compliant for both.


Streamline your tendering process

We optimise all aspects of your sourcing and tendering process, one tender at a time.

Reach the right suppliers

As the leading platform for public buyers and suppliers, we allow you to engage suppliers directly, using tailored data to meet your needs and increase competition in your tendering.

Comply seamlessly with regulations

Every step of the way, we help you follow procurement regulations through our simple and intuitive experience platform.

Get started

The preferred tendering and bidding platform for public buyers and suppliers.

Mercell makes tenders compliant and easy, while enabling equal opportunity for all suppliers to the public sector.

  • +5,000

    Public entities use Mercell to manage and source tenders.

  • +400,000

    Active suppliers.

  • +Є200 B

    Europe's largest coverage of public business opportunities.


    Open the world of
 public business today