EU-tender for: Feed and Bedding and Enrichment for SDU and AU


02 - Contract notice
Open procedure
9/8/2021 3:13 PM (GMT+02:00)
10/8/2021 12:00 PM (GMT+02:00)
9/29/2021 12:00 PM (GMT+02:00)


Syddansk Universitet Syddansk Universitet
Birgitte Andersen Birgitte Andersen
Campusvej 55

5230 Odense M

Closing date has passed.

Short description

This tender relates to the procurement and delivery of Feed (Maintenance and breeding feed), bedding and enrichment for Aarhus University and Biomedical Laboratory at University of Southern Denmark

  • Annex 1 – Specification of requirements for Lot 1 Feed 
  • Annex 2 – Specification of requirements for Lot 2 Bedding and Enrichment

SDU´s purchase is estimated to approximately DKK 200.000 per year for Lot 1 Feed and DKK 325.000 for Lot 2 bedding (app. DKK 250.000) and enrichment (app. DKK 75.000)

AU´s purchase is estimated to approximately DKK 450.000 per year for Lot 1 Feed and DKK 550.000 for Lot 2 bedding (app. DKK 500.000) and enrichment (app. DKK 50.000)

The value of the framework agreement is assessed to be above the EU threshold for each Lot in the maximum contract period of 4 years, but does not exceed DKK 3.100.000 for Lot 1 and DKK 4.200.000 for Lot 2.


In order to participate in one or more of the listed lots, click on the lot itself. On the specific lot you can show your interest and continue the tender proces.

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
Tender specifkations 06092021.pdf 325 KB
Annex 1 - Specificatin of requirement for Lot 1 Feed 060921.docx 60 KB
Annex 2 - Specification of requirements for Lot 2 Bedding and enrichment 060921.docx 57 KB
Annex 3 - Schedule of prices 060921.xlsx 33 KB
Annex 4- E-commerce requirements.docx 57 KB
Annex A - Declaration of support.docx 44 KB
Annex B - Electronic invoicing and terms of payment for AU.dotx 26 KB
Framework Agreement Bedding and enrichment 06092021.docx 100 KB
Framework Agreement Feed 06092021.docx 100 KB

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