Content Distribution Network (CDN) services [prequalification]


02 - Contract Notice
Restricted procedure
2/27/2015 4:26 PM (GMT+01:00)
3/30/2015 10:00 AM (GMT+02:00)


Magnus Rask Detlif Magnus Rask Detlif
Rugårdsvej 25
5000 Odense C

Closing date has passed.

Short description

TV 2 DANMARK A/S and the regional TV 2 stations, henceforth referred combined as TV 2, invites to a restricted tender competition regarding delivery of Content Delivery Network (CDN) services.

TV 2 DANMARK A/S is a government owned commercial broadcaster with 6 TV channels. The TV 2 regional stations is 8 independent, license financed regional broadcasters.

Both TV 2 DANMARK A/S and the regional stations have various internet activities and have distribution of video to internet connected devices as a strategic priority.
TV 2 wishes to establish agreements with CDNs to cover the broadcasters needs to distribute high quality on demand and live video to internet connected devices.

Preliminary time schedule for the tender process is attached as Document C.

Files (click "Show interest" to get access)

Name Size
A - CDN - Solemn declaration of exclusion scenarios.docx 38 KB
B - CDN - Key figures form.xlsx 23 KB
C - CDN - Time schedule for tender process.pdf 199 KB

Mercell Holding AS

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